Daily they met together in the temple courts and in one another’s homes to celebrate communion. They shared meals together with joyful hearts and tender humility.
Acts 2:46
As protestors march in our streets and looting and burning is seen throughout the land, we are still being told that churches should not reopen. Someone said the other day, “It is okay to burn a church but not attend one.” Our spiritual enemy is working hard to keep believers from joining together.
But today, just as in the early days of the Church, we can meet in our homes. We can strengthen our marriages and families in the power of the Lord, and we can break bread together from home to home. We have said many times in previous posts that the Lord is calling families and homes to become strong in this hour. There are many voices of dire predictions right now and other voices speaking of a powerful move of God. No matter what, it will most likely not again be life as we have known it.
This is an hour of Holy Spirit innovation. Instead of trying to restore the old and familiar, perhaps it is time to embrace the new and yet unknown. Suppose the Church never looks the same again. Suppose our neighborhoods become centers of revival as our homes become powerful places of outreach. Suppose that the era of “spectator” Christianity is over and the hour of purposeful flowing in the Spirit is here. Suppose that we can no longer rely heavily on others preaching and teaching and it becomes our responsibility to spread the Good News. Suppose we are about to see a move of God like we have never seen before!
We are the decision makers in this hour. Are we going to allow the enemy to bring fear to our home through riots, threats of increasing pandemic, challenges to our faith, or continued “lockdown” affronts to our freedom? Or are we going to walk as those early believers did with our eyes fixed on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith? Are we going to use “at home” time to grow closer together with our own family and join with others in homes as well? Can we see this hour as a powerful Holy Spirit school and determine to learn all He is teaching?
The choice is ours and it begins right around our own family table. What will we teach our children in this hour? What will we demonstrate before them? There are forces fighting hard for their hearts and their minds. There may never be a better time to prepare them for the future.
Family Interaction:
As you gather round your family table, it is time to talk about the world around us. Scripture tells us that people aren’t our problem. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)
There is a great move of the enemy to pit people against people right now. How does an understanding of this scripture keep us from falling into his trap? We must know how to war in the Spirit while walking in love. Light overcomes the darkness. The Passion translation of John 1:4-5 says it this way. “Life came into being because of Him, for His life is light for all humanity. And this Living Expression is the Light that bursts through gloom—the Light that darkness could not diminish!”
Talk as a family of ways that His light in you can overcome the darkness around you. What does the Church look like today? Do you have any new understanding of Church? What part of the Church is your home? What is God speaking to you today?
Father, there is so much happening all around us right now. So many voices, so much noise and darkness. We need to hear Your voice right now. We want to be like Jesus and only do what we see You do. You are still on the throne and You are still greater than any threat of the enemy. Let that become real to us in this hour! Help us to grow closer and stronger as a family. Please make a way for us to join with other families from home to home during this season. We want to be a light in our neighborhood, to bring hope to those who have none right now. We want to be like those early believers who shared meals together with joyful hearts and tender humility. In Jesus’ name, Amen.